The Northeast Regional Carwash Convention (NRCC) was initiated by a group of carwash operators from Connecticut who in 1988 coordinated a meeting at a New Haven, CT, restaurant adjacent to Yale University inviting the participation of several other East Coast carwash associations. From that meeting, the NRCC was formed and held its first Convention and Trade Show in 1989 in Newport, RI. The show was devised for the benefit of Northeast carwash owner/operators who could not attend the national trade show, and to allow for managers and/or staff to attend as well. The first show provided a forum for education, equipment exhibits and an exchange of ideas and camaraderie among operators and exhibitors.

Today, the NRCC is an alliance of volunteers from five carwash associations: the Connecticut Carwash Association (CCA), New England Carwash Association (NECA), New York State Car Wash Association (NYSCWA), the Car Wash Operators of New Jersey (CWONJ) and the Mid-Atlantic Carwash Association (MCA). The NRCC puts on the Northeast Regional Carwash Convention annually each Fall. This year, the NRCC will be conducting its 34th annual show.

The original intent was to move the show around various Northeast locations. Each year one of the carwash associations would act as the “Host Association.” After a few years it was determined that Atlantic City drew the largest attendance and was usually the most profitable venue. Since then, the majority of the shows have been held in Atlantic City.

Each year the associations rotate who will act as the “Host” association. The Host association is responsible for the majority of the planning, implementation and coordination of the show’s logistics in conjunction with the Trade Show Manager. The other (non-host) associations are responsible for conducting at least one seminar, as well as providing input in the planning of the show.

Depending on the venue, attendance (including exhibitors) has ranged from 500 (in the early years) to as many as 1921 in 2023. The show floor space has expanded to include Hall A and B with more than 386 exhibit booths, and growing. Educational seminars and keynote speakers are first rate and feature professional presenters.

The governing documents, Conflict of Interest Policy and financial statements are available to the public upon request. Inquiries should sent to: