NRCC Most Distinguished Person Award Recipients

2024 Mike Conte

2023 Larry Fiano (CCA)

2022 Paul Vercollone (NECA)

2021 Donnie Hinton (MCA)

2020 No NRCC due to COVID-19

2019 Tom Hoffman, Jr.; Jeff Gold, Brett Benderson (NYSCWA)

2018 Doug Rieck (CWONJ)

2017 Todd Whitehouse (CCA)

2016 Patti Kaplan (NECA)

2015 John Rodenhausen (MCA)

2014 Terri & Mark Kubarek (NYSCWA)

2013 Dave DuGoff (CWONJ)

2012 Bill Gorra (CCA)

2011 Adam Korngold (NECA)

2010 Bill Bascom (MCA)

2009 Walt Hartl (NYSCWA)

2008 Dick Zodikoff (CWONJ)

2007 Bill Gorra (CCA)

2006 Ron Bousquet (NECA)

2005 Awarded two Innovator awards to Don Scordo & Tom Hoffman, Jr and a Front Line award to Dan Frank (NYSCWA)

2004 Cookie Anthony (CCA)

2003 Suzanne Stansbury (CWONJ)

2002 Bob Katseff (NECA)

2001 Suzanne Stansbury (NYSCWA)

2000 Jerry Salzer (CWONJ)

1999 Alan Tracy (CCA)

1998 Ron Bousquet (NECA)

1997 Connie Crane, Doug Casement, Bill Smith (NYSCWA)

1996 John Criscuolo (CWONJ)